May 7 2022 1:37PM

  1. Bachelor's and postgraduate students are trained in practice and in practice, in accordance with the nature and requirements of each specialization in the two programs (pedagogical and specialist).
  2. Provide all the necessary possibilities that will help students and stimulate their energies in training and practical application.
  3. Upgrade the applied and practical aspect and train students in the proficiency of employing the information, technical and skills they have attributed from the academic side.
  4. Train students in the proper use and use of supporting technology and aids in the field of disability science and rehabilitation.
  5. Using students' abilities and skills in practice, through specialized laboratories and interactive halls in college.
  6. Contribute to finding ways and means to implement the results of educational research in disability and rehabilitation sciences, and follow up on the resulting improvement of the practical practices of the college students.
  7. Active integration, cooperation and participation efforts with the Directorate of Education, the Department of Special Education, social rehabilitation institutions, the Health Insurance Authority and specialized centers; To improve and develop the practical and professional aspect of college students in disability disciplines.


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي