May 7 2022 1:22PM

Overall goals:

Creating a university society with mutual respect and equal rights and duties that is peaceful, free from violence or discrimination and encourages learning and creativity.

Specific goals:

  1. Monitor cases of violence and harassment on campus, take action to deal with them and create effective mechanisms to reduce their vulnerability to further violence.
  2. Develop and train effective cadres in combating violence.
  3. Raising the level of awareness among university students of the issues of violence and its negative effects on the individual and society.
  4. Students' participation in various activities to channel their energy positively to avoid violence in their behavior.
  5. Non-violence communication training as a positive pattern of interaction inside and outside the university.
  6. Develop partnership mechanisms between the University and civil society institutions and activate the University's role in the service of society and environmental development.


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي